8:23 AM, Delft...
Life was just starting . It suppossed to be a high busy thursday, where routine was all around. But in fact, it was just a cold quiet morning where only few people I met along the streets, walked in silence, tried to reach their destination just on time.
What kind of crowd could I expect from a small old city like Delft...
Morning statistics class. damn...I took my weird yellow bike and rode it in hurry to reach my destination ASAP. I was so sleepy actually.
But negotiation with my laziness is somehow impossible. There won't be a win-win s
olution. So, I have to be tough and cruel with Mr sleepy. No need to argue...
I didn't hope too much it would be a beautiful sunshower morning. It was dark. Full of smog...I was riding thru' a long barricade of smog as if I lived in a fairy tale kingdom where Sleeping Beauty and her seven dwarfs also lived there as my neighbour.
I didn't hope too much it would be a beautiful sunshower morning. It was dark. Full of smog...I was riding thru' a long barricade of smog as if I lived in a fairy tale kingdom where Sleeping Beauty and her seven dwarfs also lived there as my neighbour.
Mina krusemanstraat, Canalwegstraat, and finally reached Phoenixstraat. It took only 5 minutes riding for 2,0 km distance.
On October last year, when I just started to ride my bike, it took more or less 15 minutes for the same distance. Now, sometimes it can be less than than 5 minutes.
8:45 AM
On October last year, when I just started to ride my bike, it took more or less 15 minutes for the same distance. Now, sometimes it can be less than than 5 minutes.
8:45 AM
The class started. It was ended on 5:30 PM, with some assignment as an extra bonus for the following night. My head was full. My brain was going to explode...
That's it. That's life for today, and yesterday, a week ago, tomorrow, two days later, a week later, and so on...It even can be a very very boring day sometimes...
I realized my life in here was already turned to be a routine. I have lost my touristic period and drown in a hectic kind life. Although I still fascinated by the beauty of Delft, but life was just too full with so many 'have to do' stuffs that left nothing for me but busy mind. Most of the time, lately, I forgot to engulf those beauty ...
That's it. That's life for today, and yesterday, a week ago, tomorrow, two days later, a week later, and so on...It even can be a very very boring day sometimes...
I was talking to myself...
My Choleric said, "This is a high time. Achieve something from this big work!". My Sanguine told me, "Oh my God, find a nice place to hide and then forget it". Melancholic in me got busy preparing some schedule and never stop worrying.
My Choleric said, "This is a high time. Achieve something from this big work!". My Sanguine told me, "Oh my God, find a nice place to hide and then forget it". Melancholic in me got busy preparing some schedule and never stop worrying.
But the wise guy in me, my Mr Phlegmatic, said the key words "Get used with it...no problem..."
That was the most comfortable words that I wanted to hear...Thanks, Mr Phlegmatic. Your words relieved my tense...
That was the most comfortable words that I wanted to hear...Thanks, Mr Phlegmatic. Your words relieved my tense...
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