August 06, 2008
As it is (not) really Far and Away…
November 07, 2006
Second Autumn in Delft
Night in Delft, on the dance floor of mysery-and a deep missing of my two beloved creatures
October 23, 2006
Ik Heb Je Lief
op een vriendelijk woord van mij
als ik jou oproep in gedachte
maakt me dat veel beetjes blij
voel het als ik jou zie zitten
als ik je alleen maar ruik
't zit in honderdduizend vlinders
die zoet zweven in m'n buik
'k heb je lief, m'n hele leven
't is veel meer dan "houden van"
't is alsof je in m'n bloed zit
ik zonder jou niet leven kan
jouw mooie ogen doen me smelten
't zet me zo in vuur en vlam
ik voel het enkel bij jouw aanblik
ik krijg het ook van Rotterdam
'k heb je lief
'k heb je lief
'k heb je lief
wat moet ik zonder jou
't zijn vier hele kleine woordjes
en al maakt je dat een beetje bang
'k heb je lief
vier jaargetijden lang
voel het heel vaak als jij opstaat
of na een zomerse bui
ik word al week bij de gedachte
jij die loopt in m'n lievelingstrui
't is mijn hand die jij plots vastpakt
als ik domweg naast je fiets
't komt ook, dat is nou het gekke,
zelfs door helemaal niets
'k heb je lief
'k heb je lief
'k heb je lief
wat moet ik zonder jou
't zijn vier hele kleine woordjes
en al maakt je dat een beetje bang
'k heb je lief14 bloemencorso's lang
ik proef het tijdens ons zoenen
of als je plotseling lacht
ik zie het in vallende sterren
na heftig vrijen in de nacht
't is die tinteling, dat briesje
maakt jou helemaal voor mij
ik denk als ik jou zo zie lopen
God, d'r gaat een engeltje voorbij
'k heb je lief
'k heb je lief
'k heb je lief
wat moet ik zonder jou
't zijn vier hele kleine woordjes
en al maakt je dat een beetje bang
'k heb je lief1001 nachten lang
één van mijn mooiste dromen
is oud te worden met z'n twee
dat die maar uit mag komen
ik heb je lief tot na de AOW
'k heb je lief
wat moet ik zonder jou
't zijn vier hele kleine woordjes
en al maakt je dat een beetje bang
'k heb je lief
104 kerstbomen lang
'k heb je lief
'k heb je lief
m'n hele leven lang
'k kan niet leven zonder jouw, schat...
October 22, 2006
Lebaran Dulu dan Kini
Dulu; keluarga, ramai, rumah, kue, salam-salaman, makan, senang, ketawa, silaturahmi, kenyang, keponakan, jalan-jalan, makan lagi, shalat Ied, lapangan tenis, ke tetangga, pake sarung, ketupat, sayur nangka, sayur pakis, soto, ngumpul, libur, kasih angpauw, beliin baju, lupa beli baju buat sendiri, menghilang dari kantor, sms temen, terima ampe seratusan sms ucapan lebaran, kacang lebaran, bikin rendang, takbiran, gak bisa tidur nyenyak krn takbiran tp gak papa karena seneng, and million else...
Kini; sepi, internetan gak jelas, kangen, sedih juga, keingetan terus, sendiri, komputer, musik sendu, shalat ied di gedung olahraga, manyun mulu, tidur, sepi lagi, nothing, makan indomie, pagi makan cup a soup, makan gratis, ngisi blog, rapihin baju, ngeliatin jaket baru, gak jelas mas...
what a pitty....
September 15, 2006
The Child in Me
Once, he was crying in the verandah, when parrents no longer stayed together. Fragile, helpless and so deep in blue. He wished that he could fly to the sky to meet the angels and the rainbow that so flattered up there. And he wished to be landed in a different life with a happy ending scenario.
he is still crying in the balcony, staring at the stars and the crescent moon, wishing that he has wings that can fly him to a nest far across the universe, where he thinks he will find peace of mind.
August 27, 2006
The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going
Satu kali, dalam e-mail-nya mengenai sebuah tugas, dia juga sempat-sempatnya menuliskan kalimat tersebut di penghujung suratnya (kayaknya itu dia bikin jadi template footnote deh). Hmmm, secara gw lagi down dan lagi sensitif dengan gejolak kepribadian (hare gene masih krisis kepribadian???) yang sedang hancur lebur, kalimat tersebut begitu terasa menusuk, nyindir bin nyelekit, lebih pedes dari kata-kata yang sering keluar dari mulut si 'tante brisik' di kantor 'om brewok' dulu.
Memang bener, kalau seseorang tau kemana dia akan melangkah, dunia ( sebetulnya Tuhan sih, bukan dunia) pasti akan memberi jalan yang menuntun dia untuk mencapai tujuannya. Hmmm, itulah, kalau memang diri sendiri aja gak tau mau melangkah kemana, lah jalan mana yang mesti ditunjukin sama si Gusti bin Maha Pencipta itu?
Kalau dipikir-pikir (akhirnya gw mikir juga, hiks lagi...), dalam setiap episode hidup itu ada tiga kegiatan utama yang mesti dipenuhi; merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan menikmati. Kalau salah satu gak ada, maka bisa jadi episode tersebut cuma menjadi sepotong episode kehidupan yang menyedihkan.
Merencanakan: bukankah hidup itu tentang mendesain sebuah lukisan sebagaimana yang pernah terbayang di mimpi-mimpi sebelum ini, meskipun mimpi itu adalah mimpi basah yang memalukan namun nikmat?
Melaksanakan: bukankah hidup itu tentang bekerja, bekerja keras, bekerja lebih keras, bekerja ekstra keras, dan bekerja lebih keras lagi, bagai seorang buruh pabrik yang bercita-cita membeli sebuah rumah megah di sebelah rumah Inul di Pondok Indah?
Menikmati: bukankah merayakan sebuah kerja keras merupakan kesenangan tiada tara, bagai merayakan kemenangan dapat lotre setelah ribuan kali beli lotre dan gak pernah menang? (Lotre masih ada gak sih? Kayaknya pas jaman Harmoko masih ngejabat aja ada begituan. Kalo di Amsterdam banyaknya lonte, bukan lotre. Hihihi. Sensor ah!!!).
Nasihat yang baik buat diri sendiri (yang lagi gundah gulana dan bermuram durja(na)). Mulai untuk selalu merencanakan segala sesuatu, melaksanakan dengan sebenar-benarnya dan menikmati semua hasilnya sebagai bagian dari proses kehidupan yang menyenangkan. Karena tanpa kehadiran salah satu dari ketiga hal itu, hmmm rasanya semua cuma bakal jadi hidup basi yang gak penting bangettt....
May 15, 2006
Lost in Moby
The first time i recognized Moby songs was from movie 'The beach'. As the theme song, "Porcelain" sounds so convinient and it seems to be a trancient song in my ears.
And then, one day, I saw his latest CD album (that time), "Hotel", and I bought it ( pirates, of course...). Surprisingly, i like all songs in that album.
Also, once, a friend ever told me that in her opinion most of Moby's music ( i prefer to say his songs as music because more that half of his tracks are only electronized music) creates emptiness in your feeling.
To be honest, she's damn right, cause i feel the same with most of his musics. In Moby's, sometimes, I can feel the emptiness, worries, a not totally delightfulness, euforia, a bitchy feeling, a desperate measurement in a complex mix heart situation, deeply sadness, and of course, psychotic emotion.
"Love Should" can make me feel a broken hearted (even in fact I don't), "Go" make me feel that The world is a giant discotheque (even I am a geek who don't like that kind of place) that move around and round. "Anthem" which is suppossed to be a sad song, in fact, bring a sense of hipersadness that make me fly unconciousness. And so many feelings that come from his musics...
One thing that I like from Moby's music that he never keep the same type of beat in each of his track. All the songs are quiete different in rythm, genre and the beat ( yea yea, Moby plays a lot with the beat. FYI, he is a DJ...beat is his soul...)
I believe a good musician usually can bring people to a spesific moody situation. And for that criteria, Moby, in my opinion, do a lot of efforts in maintaining his musics as a trance agents of mood.
Then I finally knew a lot his songs that makes me setting my heart to his music. I think this guy is a genius in what he did. At least, he can make me feel lost in his musics. What a Moby...
May 14, 2006
Daydreaming, Job-writing and Reality
May 06, 2006
Matahari, Hadiah Terindah dari Tuhan
Delft-NL, early spring, when sun finally showed up...
Baru ketika sampai di Eropa saya menjadi begitu mencintai matahari. Baru ketika menginjakan kaki di bumi makhluk berkulit putih ini, saya menyadari bahwa matahari tidak selalu hadir untuk semua orang di pelosok dunia, seperti yang saya pikir selama ini, sebagai seorang makhluk tropis.
Bagi kita yang tinggal di daerah tropis, matahari mungkin bisa jadi sangat menyebalkan. Tengah hari, ketika matahari bersinar terik, semua orang berusaha menghindarinya. Mereka bersembunyi dibalik gedung-gedung berpendingin, atau kalau terpaksa keluar, mereka akan bersembunyi di balik payung warna-warni, sekedar memalingkan muka dari tatapan sang surya.
Di negeri kumpeni ini, setelah enam bulan lamanya matahari bersembunyi entah dimana, kini dia muncul kembali. Orang-orang menyambut ceria. "....Spring is coming, spring is coming..." Sejak musim dingin dinyatakan berakhir dua pekan yang lalu, masyarakat disini seperti terlahir kembali.
Mereka keluar dengan pakaian baru. Jaket, sweater, dan baju-baju dingin lainnya sudah pasti masuk lemari. Kini, semua berganti dengan celana pendek, T-shirt, tank top, bahkan kaus kutang. Dan yang lebih ekstrim lagi, pakaian di beberapa tempat sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi. Dua hari yang lalu, beberapa orang sudah mulai berjemur 'bugil-gil-gil' di Danau 'palsu' Delft.
--XXX: Speaking about 'bugil-gil-gil' itu, Kamis lalu (4/5), dengan malu-malu, saya bersama seorang teman dari Bhutan bersepeda ke danau buatan itu dengan niat memang memastikan apakah benar orang-orang Belanda suka berjemur tanpa sehelai benang pun disana. Dan ternyata, fenomena itu benar-benar nyata, saudara-saudara!!!!!!!!!
Balik ke topik semula, matahari, disini kafe-kafe pinggir jalan kembali semarak, setelah selama musim dingin sempat mati suri. Mereka (orang-orang Belanda dan turis eropa) duduk-duduk di cafe pinggir jalan, sambil menikmati secangkir kopi atau minuman dingin (harus bayar tentunya), dan curahan sinar matahari dari langit (kalau yang ini gratis, meski termasuk barang langka) .
February 21, 2006
Thank's to Mr Phlegmatic
Life was just starting . It suppossed to be a high busy thursday, where routine was all around. But in fact, it was just a cold quiet morning where only few people I met along the streets, walked in silence, tried to reach their destination just on time.
What kind of crowd could I expect from a small old city like Delft...
I didn't hope too much it would be a beautiful sunshower morning. It was dark. Full of smog...I was riding thru' a long barricade of smog as if I lived in a fairy tale kingdom where Sleeping Beauty and her seven dwarfs also lived there as my neighbour.
On October last year, when I just started to ride my bike, it took more or less 15 minutes for the same distance. Now, sometimes it can be less than than 5 minutes.
8:45 AM
That's it. That's life for today, and yesterday, a week ago, tomorrow, two days later, a week later, and so on...It even can be a very very boring day sometimes...
I realized my life in here was already turned to be a routine. I have lost my touristic period and drown in a hectic kind life. Although I still fascinated by the beauty of Delft, but life was just too full with so many 'have to do' stuffs that left nothing for me but busy mind. Most of the time, lately, I forgot to engulf those beauty ...
My Choleric said, "This is a high time. Achieve something from this big work!". My Sanguine told me, "Oh my God, find a nice place to hide and then forget it". Melancholic in me got busy preparing some schedule and never stop worrying.
That was the most comfortable words that I wanted to hear...Thanks, Mr Phlegmatic. Your words relieved my tense...
January 01, 2006
Paris, France: Gorgeous Ever After
I am in love with Brussels, but at the same time i'm also in love with Paris, France. Both of them are amazing...
Paris is just like Paris does. It's kind of romantic town. I suggest you not to come alone to Paris. That is awful. It was fashionably irresistible, where love is in the air. But, actually, I ain't got anything in the air, except extremely cold air!!!!!!!!!hahaha...what a shame of me...
By the time I was standing under Eiffel, I was shaking. Happy, because for all this time I just saw it and never touch or reach it. Even Eiffel just a bunch of iron, but If you see such a huge thing like that, you will feel that iron is marvelous. Eiffel, I'm (not) in love...(too bad)
One of place that I love most in Paris was Musse d'Louvre, which I only knew it previously from 'Da Vinci Code'. It was a very big museum with tons of arts.
I just still wondering how come 'Monalisa's mysterious smile in Louvre could atrract millions of peple to come and visit her. For me, Monalisa just a 'fat chubby misserable' middle aged women who accidentally being drawed by an accidentally famous painter too.
But, life is fair. You don't (always) have to be a damn pretty person just to become famous. Viva ugly duckling...
Although Louvre is an interesting place to visit, but I bet for some people it become an unconvinient place because it was so crowded all the time. I felt like visiting an open market rather than a museum, because so many people visit Louvre, and there was a very long line in the entrance.
Does everybody (excluded me) really love arts? If it is, what an artistic world that we have !!!
For a more convinient one day visit, I think Musse d'Orsay is a good choice. It is not as big as huge Louvre, but have a good quality. Monet, Whistler, Moreau, Courbet, van Gogh, etc, are all in 'd'Orsay.
The one that I love most is James Abbot McNeill Whistler "Arrangement in Grey and Black: Portrait of The Painter's Mother" or so called "Whistler's Mother". If you see Mr Bean 'The Movie', you will soon recognized this painting.
Still more plenty of beautiful places in Paris. Two of them are 'Sacre Cour' and 'Notre Dame'. Both are old churches with amazing architectural building. Sacre Cour was built in a high place, so visitors have to climb up to visit this place.
If you take a glance, it just look like a mosque. And inside, it had a very beautiful ceiling painting and statues.
If you already knew the story of Hunchback of Notre Dame, you will soon recognize that the church was the place where the hunchback lived. Still left a big question in my head after visiting the Notre Dame, why a sacred place like that have a very scary architecture and ornaments...
There were wolf statues everywhere and ghostly statues. I bet lots of people don't wanna thru' that church during midnight. Especially during winter, It seemed more spooky than usual...
Paris is somehow beautiful, whereever you go in that city. One thing for sure, don't forget to bring someone to love if you visit Paris...That is my most important advice for everybody.....
2 days after paris trip
August 03, 2004
I Love You This Much
kau akan datang padaku
dan berkata,
"tolol, tali itu cukup kuat untuk patahkan lehermu.."
lalu kau timbun aku,
dan aku masih menyayangimu,
meski aku sendiri
meratapimu dari dalam.
stupid true lover